Currently Not Available

The Pure Enchantment™ Rose Bouquet by FTD® blossoms with brilliant roses in bright hues to capture your special recipient's every attention. Hot pink, lavender and orange roses create a splash of color accented with lush bupleurum to make an exceptional flower bouquet. Presented in a modern clear glass vase, this rose bouquet is set to send your warmest wishes for their birthday, as a thank you gift or to celebrate any of life's special moments.
GOOD bouquet includes 12 stems.
Approximately 18"H x 12"W.
BETTER bouquet includes 18 stems.
Approximately 20"H x 14"W.
BEST bouquet includes 24 stems.
Approximately 24"H x 18"W.
Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized gift message.
Currently Not Available